As co-founder and CEO of WE, an organisation that mobilises millions of people globally against poverty, child slavery, and environmental issues, Marc Kielburger knows firsthand that anyone can make an impactful difference. In this engaging keynote presentation, he shares leadership lessons he and his brother Craig have gleaned from Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela, and other great world leaders like Mother Theresa to tap into purpose while profiting in any venture, from Fortune 500s to non-profits to educational institutions or student or business groups!

Marc tailors each speech specifically to each audience he addresses, whether that’s at a corporate conference, a community group meeting, or an educators and students’ summit. With video, visuals, and choose-your-own-adventure delivery that allows audiences to select which stories they’d like to hear, this approach keeps audiences engaged while making sure their message meets specific needs.

Marc began his story at age 12 when he and Craig saw a newspaper article about Iqbal Masih, an escaped child slave who spoke out against child labor practices. It sparked their passion to make change happen; they established a small charity in their parent’s living room, which later evolved into WE, an international nonprofit with outreach programs spanning many nations.

Marc and Craig have traveled the globe through their work, meeting with world leaders while sharing meals with families in some of the most distressed parts of our planet. Along the way, they’ve learned some essential lessons about leadership, from taking big risks to being relentless idealists.

Marc takes his audience on an inspiring, visual keynote journey of leadership that has transformed how he and his brother run WE, a multi-billion dollar charitable enterprise that empowers everyone to do good, do well, and change the world. In it he provides valuable and practical lessons from mentors like Sheryl Sandberg, Sir Richard Branson, Mother Teresa, and Nelson Mandela he’s encountered during two decades of humanitarian work.

Since 2006, WE has been leading the charge in equipping young people to use their talents and energy towards positive social change. Through WE Schools, 25,000+ schools and students learn how to make an impactful difference both locally and worldwide. This keynote presentation should be seen by school administrators, teachers, community groups, and anyone seeking to empower young people against social injustices; additionally, it makes an excellent keynote for companies wanting to inspire both C-Suite executives as well as junior employees alike.

The significance of entrepreneurship in economic development examines how promoting entrepreneurship drives economic growth and empowers communities.


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