The Final Fantasy VII Remake is a fantastic adventure that enhances the classic role-playing game in every way. This game provides a memorable adventure because of its magnificent visuals, breathtaking score, fascinating characters, and sophisticated world-building. Every aspect of Final Fantasy VII Remake, from the main story to the expansive open world, feels like it was carefully designed with a strong sense of purpose. The battle system is tactical and quick-paced, requiring players to utilize the strengths and skills of all their characters in concert. Fans will be able to relive memorable moments from the original game, updated for the present era, while also seeing new takes on old events that will keep them guessing right up until the credits roll. In conclusion, whether or not a player is familiar with the original, Final Fantasy VII Remake is a masterpiece and one of gaming’s greatest achievements.


Final Fantasy VII: Remake weaponized nostalgia with gorgeous graphics, authentic narrative, epic sound design, and fun combat. It’s a must-have for fans of JRPGs and action-adventures.

Unlike the original game, the remake adds more depth to the characters. While Barret and his cliched “I got a gun” lines are still present, the character has more personality than ever before. Aerith, the mysterious flower girl, has more zingers and an overall more well-rounded presence.

The other members of the rebel group Avalanche—Jessie, Wedge, and Biggs—have more room to express themselves as well. Even one-note characters like Scotch and Kotch, the lackeys for creep kingpin Don Corneo, get some more characterization. The famous Limit Break also makes a return in the remake, with each character getting one power attack they can use when their limit bar is full. As a result, the gameplay feels fresh and exciting. Moreover, there is plenty of new content in the DLC Intermission.


When Final Fantasy VII Remake first hit the PlayStation 4, it was a jaw-dropping visual experience. It was everything that players loved about the old CGI Final Fantasy movies and even better than them in terms of graphics.

Whether it’s the way that clouds hang over the city of Midgar or the way that the camera captures the action in full HDR, Intergrade delivers. It’s all about the details, and it makes the world of FFVII feel alive again.

The game also looks utterly amazing on PC. It supports a native 4K resolution with a solid framerate. The Graphics Mode is a visual treat with its super-detailed character models, volumetric fog, and showering of particles during battles. Alternatively, the Performance Mode offers a more modest but still impressive experience. It’s a fantastic choice, either way. It’s easy to see why this remake is one of the best games of the generation. It’s a masterful mix of gorgeous graphics, authentic narrative, and fun combat.


One of the most evocative aspects of the Final Fantasy VII Remake is its soundtrack. From the iconic main theme to the savage, dramatic battle music and even the haunting One Winged Angel motif, composer Nobuo Uematsu’s musical palette is as rich as ever.

But the most striking aspect of the new score is how it uses sound to convey emotion. When Cloud explores the scummier corners of Midgar, for example, the music creates feelings of excitement and anxiety.

Additionally, the jukeboxes scattered throughout the world of FFVIIR allow players to interact with arrangements of classic FFVII tracks in different styles and genres. Seeing the Bombing Mission theme played as jazz or Aerith’s theme performed as surf rock is nothing short of magical.


The story in Final Fantasy VII Remake is a stunning combination of gorgeous cinematics, authentic narrative, and epic sound design. But it leaves many questions unanswered and doesn’t fully explore some of the most interesting ideas in the original game’s plot.

This is mostly because the game only covers about the first 10-20 percent of the original story. For example, despite the dramatic confrontations against the Whispers and Sephiroth, players are left with tons of unanswered questions after the game’s completion.

Moreover, some of the new additions, such as Leslie and Roche, don’t fit into the story properly and feel shoehorned in. This is especially evident when comparing the two characters’ respective mental states.

Ultimately, this makes it difficult for the game’s protagonists to achieve a hauntingly authentic kind of freedom. Despite this, it’s still an incredible experience to play. And it definitely leaves a lasting impression on the player.


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